vendredi, octobre 12, 2007



Jean Starck was born in Vosges regions of eastern France in 1948. It is a region known for its eclectic influences on French art and culture. Jean is one of the co-founders of a French art group known as Art-Cloche (Art-Bell), formed in Paris in the early 1980’s. He has expressed his free, primitive, subversive and nonconformist spirits through his art works to the world. Jean’s art works had drawn attention of the well know French painter Jean Dubuffet. Mr. Dubuttet not only wrote Jean Starch a letter recognizing and encouraging his work, but also bought 30 something Jean’s art works. These art works have been kept in Jean Dubuttet private collection museum since then.

Jean Starck has been recognized by the European press for his artistic contributions. In 1990 the well-known French magazine “Ëxpress” used Jean’s photo for its cover and published an article about Jean and his art works. In 1994, the book La France Insolite had a chapter focusing on Jean’s art works and Art Cloche. In 1998, the European art magazine “Ligea” used one of Jean’s paintings for its cover, and published an article about the painting in it. In 2000, Dominique Stal, a well know art export specializing in modern art for the Drouot-Montaigne auction company published an album of outstanding French modern art works, tow of Jean’s paintings were among them. In 2002, a French TV station broadcast a 30-minute interview with the artist.

Jean’s art works have been collected by many individual collectors in Europe, the US, and as well as organizations such as Mure` ed’Auvers sur Oise, Banque Europ e` enue in France, Muse`` ede I’ Art moderne in Swiss, and Hewlett Packard in the US. Most of his pieces are sold through Drouot-Montaigne auctions.

Jean Starck has had many individual exhibitions and participated in numerous public exhibitions in Paris, Bologna, Amsterdam, Berlin, London and China. The most well known ones are listed below:

1981 – FIAP;
1981 - Galerie I’ Usine;
1983 - Grand Palais a` Paris;
1989 - Salon Art – Vid e` o Paris;
1995 - Art Comptemporain Bastille;
1998 - Hewlett Packard Art Foundation;
2000 – Exhibition for release of the book “D.STALL 60 contemporary artists”, Paris;
2001 – International Beinnal Exhibition, Shanghai, China;
2002 – Art-Cloche in Palais de Tokyo Art Museum, Paris;
2005 - Exhibition to Hosaka, Japan.
2006 - INTERVENTION Heap of spirit and Dada, Art-Bell, Shanghai, China.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Very good......